805 Writers' Conference 2016 Podcasts and Handouts
Saturday, November 5
Morning Keynote Speaker
Demystifying the Publishing World Zhena Muzyka, Enliven Books Publisher, an Atria/Simon & Schuster imprint Small Publishers Panel
What Independent Publishers Want from New Writers A panel discussion between small publishers including Zhena Muzyka of Enliven Books, Brenda Avadian of North Star Books, Easton Maddox of Red Hen Press, and Christopher Meeks of White Whiskers Books. Legally Speaking—What Writers Need to Know to Protect Themselves
Dana Newman, Literary Attorney and Agent Super Fans—The Secrets of Selling More Books
Penny Sansevieri, best-selling author, NYU instructor, and CEO of Author Marketing Experts Super Fans Handout How to Write the Grabber Query Letter
Toni Lopopolo, literary agent, former Executive Editor at Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, and writing instructor at Temple University |
Sunday, November 6
Morning Keynote Session
The Importance of Self-reliance and Community in Writing. Julia Fierro, author and founder of The Sackett Street Writers' Workshop in New York (Part of this talk is missing due to a power outage at the hotel.) The Magic of Editing: What Turns Writers into Authors
Emily Heckman, former Simon & Schuster Executive Editor, now freelance editor and author The Big Three of Fiction—Dialogue, Interior Monologue, and Narrative
Shelly Lowenkopf, author of over 35 books, former Executive Editor, and 30 years Masters in Writing Professor at USC and UCSB The Most Important Writing Skill to Master—Your Character's Voice
Toni Lopopolo, literary agent, former Executive Editor at Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, and writing instructor at Temple University Phantastic Fiction: A Shamanic Approach to Story
Matt Pallamary, Author, Editor and Shamanic Explorer The Swiss Army Knife: Tools for 21st Century Writing
Toni Lopopolo, literary agent, former Executive Editor at Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, and writing instructor, and Shelly Lowenkopf, author of over 35 books, former Executive Editor, 30 years Masters in Writing Professor at USC, and UCSB. |